Bali Forum Threads for the week of December 18, 2006
Check out these topics currently being discussed on the Bali Forum at BootsnAll:
- Bill G took a moment to introduce himself, and then decided to jump right in with a question… Apparently he’s trying to lighten his luggage load, as he’d like to know if it really is cheaper to buy clothes in Indonesia rather than bringing them from home. And does anyone know if there’s someplace he can go online to find a list of what kind of prices to expect for the basics while he’s there?
- This is an older thread, but it’s gotten some new responses lately, and it’s still an interesting topic – indcoup asks, “Why do Indonesians treat their country like it’s a big rubbish tip?“
Chime in with your input! And if you’re not already a member, sign-up here – it’s free!