Surf conditions in Bali : August 23rd 2006

Surf conditions were decent today on the Bukit, according to Bali Waves. Wind was ESE at 2-4 knots, water temp was 22C, and the clear blue skies led into a 30C type of afternoon.

Middle reef was getting 2-3 ft swell. Keep track of the surfing conditions in Bali, at Bali Waves.

The other day I was having a drink with some peolpe, and one Aussie was telling a story, about how he bashed someone in the water for mouthing off at him. After about 5 minutes I went to the bathroom. When I came back he was still going, and demonstrated the donkey kick, and drowning tactics he used. It gets pretty serious for some people I guess.

StormSurf is another resource, that will help you predict the surf conditions in Bali (can’t help with the donkey kicks).