Denpasar tourist offices
Denpasar is a maze, almost a nightmare of one-way streets. You take one wrong turn and you are funneled off into a main street heading to who knows where. Locals all know where they are going, but visitors feel like its a zoo.
There are tourist offices in Denpasar. As my guide book says “The Denpasar Tourist Office (0361) 234569, Jl. Surapati #7, open Mon-Thurs 7.30am-3.30pm, Fri 8am -1pm) deals with tourism in the Denpasar municipality (including Sanur), but it has some information about the rest of Bali. Its not terribly helpful apart from handing out brochures, including the useful Calendar of Events booklet, Discover Denpasar and Hello Bali tourist magazine. There’s a far more helpful tourist office at the Ubung Bus & Bemo terminal (NE Denpasar).”