Laura’s driver Roy

Laura introduced me to her friend and driver last night. Immediately I got good vibes from him and learned that his name is Roy and he is from Gianyar. We chatted a bit in Bahasa Indonesia and drove to Sanur. Laura has used Roy the last few times she has been to Bali. The hotel staff offer their own driver, but Laura prefers Roy. She told me that he is a considerate and honest fellow. Often when they go around and she offers him lunch, he will politely decline, prefering to stay in the car.

Most people are aware that drivers get a percentage of any bill, by going back the next day. The fact that Roy doesn’t go in suggests he is not cashing in. Laura asked me to help Roy get customers because he is such a nice guy. Roy can understand English and drives okay. He lives in Tuban.

(0361) 764805