Bali Botanical Gardens: Candikuning

A ride to to Bedugal can take a pleasant side track in Candi Kuning. The Bali Botanical Gardens are located to the west of the main road, and are accessed by turning left at the corn knob statue, and heading down a small side road, just south of the market area.

The Bali Botanical Gardens, also known as Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali, and covers 154 hectares. The gardens, or more accurately, forest, contain 1,753 plant species.

Arriving at the park entrance, you will find parking for cars and motorbikes, with a nominal parking fee. Entry to the park is permitted for cars but not motorbikes. On weekends the park gets busy with Balinese locals, but during the week, makes a relaxing place for a picnic or just to stretch out.

The Bali Botanical Gardens is owned by the Forestry Deparrment and is run by the Institute of Sciences. On the site of the park are 3 temples, Pura Teratai Bang, Pura Giri Putri and Pura Batumeringgit. There is also a library and herbarium for studing the plants of the area.

A guide booklet is sold at the entrance to the park for $3. It contains details of 6 guided walks you can take. There is guide information about the 100 bird species here and walking around with a Balinese guide, you will learn about the plants used in traditional Balinese rituals and ceremonies.

Bali Botanical Gardens is open daily from 8am-4pm