KTM trail bikes in Denpasar Bali
My sister in-law, Ningrum, is a smart little cookie when it comes to consumer goods. If a new cell phone or motorbike is on the market, Ningrum will likely have the details. Last night I asked her about the mysterious Chinese trail bike, that was ridiculously cheap. She said the shop was called KTM, located on Jl. Teuku Umar in Denpasar. Today I rode over there, via Jl. Imam Bonjol, stopping 100 meters before Simpang Lima roundabout.
The small dealership had many ‘bebek’ type bikes and a trail bike on display. The staff told me it was 4-stroke, 150cc and 13.1 m rp. So not a world beating deal, but still cheap for a trail bike. Who knows I might be tempted later this year. It could prove a smarter move than paying 400,000rp a month forever.