Starting my own charity in Bali
Marrying an Indonesian and living in Bali, may sometimes seem like starting my own charity, but recently I had a brainwave. What would it be like to actually start my own charity. Flicking through some of the photos I took last year, I saw one of a group of Balinese orphans, singing Christmas carols in Starbucks. Considering Balinese life is all about family, these kids are missing out.
As an orphan in Bali one will miss out on gatherings, siblings, parents, ceremonies, support and identity. There are some advantages however, including personal freedom, and the financial freedom from paying for offerings.
I have often thought that I’d like to help out with a charity over here, but do not like the idea of handing some middleman money. Riding on my motorbike, I tossed some ideas around, and thought that if a charity was created, that took donations in the form of accommodation and air tickets, etc. and offered foreign teachers the chance to come to Bali for a year, that would be a wonderful helping hand to young people.
Will be intersting to see if this idea gets anywhere.