Motorbikes & juicers in Seminyak Bali

Yesterday afternoon I was walking along Blue Ocean at the end of Jl. Double Six, when I noticed an Indonesian guy on a bright new trail bike. Stopping to admire the sparkling machine, I asked him what type it was and where he got it. He said it was a Pro Trex and it was made in China. The price, according to him, was 7-8m rp!!!

Before you all get too excited, it could be my misunderstanding, and the price could be 17-18m rp. His bike was 4 stroke and the company was some 3 letter name I’d never heard of. Anyway, something to look into.

Another item I’d like to pick up is a juicer. Ika makes juice everyday for Jevon using a blender. This means its ‘chunky style’. Recently she tried to make me my favourite, carrot, beetroot, ginger. The ‘juice’ was more like relish you’d put on a hotdog. There’s so much nice fruit out here that get some down me on a auily basis can only be a good thing. ACE Hardware sells belenders for $400,000rp. Maybe after I get back from Germany I’ll pick onw up and create a whole line of tropical misadventure…papaya, mango, orange. Apple, ginger, pear, grape. Mangosteen, wani, lemon, gecko. Durian, strawberry, banana, garter snake. There’s some protein in there!