Jevon is 7 month old in Seminyak Bali

Jevon is looking a healthy boy and his diet is moving along too. From just susu ibu (mother’s milk) and bottled milk, he has dropped the bottled milk and been on a bubur (porridge) regimen a couple of times a day for the last 3 months. Ika will soon start blending vegetables and giving him rice. Our pembantu Ana can feed him fairly quickly, but it takes Ika an hour to get him to eat a bowl of porridge.

Indonesian mothers think its good to put the kid out in the morning sunlight around 7am. Jevon looks quite healthy and enjoys going for a wander down the alley to see the neighbors. I sometimes take him with me for a coffee. He get 2 baths a day and has a large selection of reusable nappies (diapers), which Ana cleans, dries and folds. After the bath Ika rubs an oil all over him to keep him warm, then pats him down with baby powder. Lucky boy!