Governments Want Monitoring of Bashir: Indonesia

A lot of politicians from numerous countries have voiced their opinions on the recent release of Islamic cleric Abu Bakar Bashir. Most would like to see the Indonesian government watch his every move and those voicing the loudest were the United States and of course Australia.

Although the police will put militant cleric Abu Bakar Bashir under surveillance, a police spokesman was quoted as saying the security authorities would only focus on the content of Bashir's sermons, with members of the public recruited to help in the monitoring effort. It would make one think who are the actual members of the public who will be doing the monitoring but without saying it, you can guess what I am thinking and no doubt your thoughts are the same. Apparently these paragons of virtue will be monitoring his activities in cooperation with citizens and neighbourhood leaders.

Bashir, in his address to his supporters, said "I will continue the propagation of Islam. I would like to appeal to all Muslims to strengthen the spirit of brotherhood and join hands for sharia to help out the oppressed,. The government has been monitoring several Islamic boarding schools in the country since last year to detect a possible terrorist connection. It also is lobbying Muslim leaders to help the government's effort to curb militant ideas among devout Muslims.

It does not matter how much monitoring is done or what surveillance is conducted, Bashir's activities will go on regardless. It is what the cleric incites amongst his blind followers that will determine the safety of non-Muslims travelling to Indonesia. You will never catch a fox with the same trap, if you get my drift.