Ika on the mend in Seminyak Bali

Ika is feeling much better after a short time on medication. She asked me this evening if she can go off the drugs (so she can give them to her sister). The doctor stressed to me the importance of finishing the drugs, as the bacteria may still be present, even if the symptoms have stopped.

Ningrum, the flyweight sister-in-law is still sick. She went to a local clinic, paid 250,000rp for 5 kinds of drugs, but isn’t any better. I find it interesting watching how these tropical diseases go. My Aussie neighbor had dengue a couple of months ago, and was wiped out for a few weeks. Since typhoid has similar symptoms to malaria, its seems the danger points are during the high fevers, when body / brain temperature can get high. Seems like as long as you can get to medication fast, you’ll probably make it.

Ika and Jevon came to Joulla’s, the German restaurant where I was typing a while earlier. She looks great and little Jevon just wants to walk around town.