Tile making in Pamesan Bali

Locals in the Pamesan area have a cottage industry going making tiles. I don’t much about how to make tiles but its obvious you need fire, lots of it, because every tile factory has a massive coconut husk stock. Riding by I could see there were tiles laid out in the sun and the chimney of one place was knocking out some serious smoke. Traditional Balinese houses had roofs made from bamboo and alang alang (grass).

Those roofs look fantastic and work up to a point. Problem is they need maintenance, animals, birds and insects live in them, they rot in the wet season and have to be replaced after 7 years. A tile roof is cheaper, less trouble and lasts longer. Its a shame almost because the traditional roofs really give you that Bali feel and breathe better. Its the same situation with those traditional German wood and mud houses, they are great but people now build cement houses.
Providing tiles for houses and villas will, in my opinion, be an industry that will be around for many years in Bali.