Schapelle Corby: Security camera failure

News of dingo cartoons, Papuans and terror warnings have stolen the limelight from past occupiers of the media spotlight. The Schapelle Corby circus has been quiet for a while now, but a report that airport security cameras in Australia were not up to scratch has brought some of the cast back to life.

Schapelle Corby‘s lawyers have always claimed she is innocent, that the marijuana found in her luggage was placed there, by airport baggage handlers in Australia. Australian Justice Minister Chris Ellison had to speak out against claims by Schapelle’s mother Rosleigh Rose, that there were security breaches at Sydney airport, which were covered up by the Australian government. Said Mrs Rose “They have used my daughter to cover their own arses and it’s all going to blow up in their faces.”

This tactic really smacks of desperation and basically says ‘because nothing works perfectly all the time, there must be a conspiracy against Schapelle.’ Mr Ellison said that while 3 of the 66 security cameras had to be repositioned during the period Schapelle was arrested in, there was more than enough coverage. Stay tuned for more updates on the Corby case.