Indonesia’s Monica Lewinsky scandal
We all know Indonesia is a big Muslim country, with some hardliners who want to turn the country into an Islamic republic. People back in the US and Europe, who have never been here, probably believe everything they see on the news, about bombs going off and hardline groups. Here’s another side of how things work.
America had its Monica Lewinsky scandal, which dragged on, for what seemed like an age. Here we have a scandal involving a member of the government, Yahya Zaini, who was frolicking in a hotel room with 2 ladies. Not only that, he was the guy in charge of moral and religious affairs! Since this news came out he has resigned, but his partner is riding the wave, so to speak, cashing in on her new found fame, much as Monica did. According to some sources, this kind of thing is run of the mill, he was just unlucky to get caught. I reckon all these scandals are a waste of time and energy, all they prove is that men and women like each other.