Indonesian Company to Produce Avian Vaccine
Laboratories around the world are working 24/7 in an effort to produce a vaccine for the deadly Avian Bird Flu. For now though people are using Tamiflu to stem the onset of the disease should they contract it.
With all the bird flu deaths in Indonesia it makes only common sense that their biggest laboratory and vaccine producer, PT Bio Farma, is aiming to produce a vaccine against the deadly strain of the bird flu virus for humans hopefully by the end of this year.
The company plans to employ a downstream production system meaning it will import from a number of foreign companies a crude vaccine or one that has not passed through the entire production process for the regular flu. This would then be modified into a bird flu vaccine for human. The company had received a recommendation from the World Health Organization to produce a regular flu vaccine and would not find it difficult to produce bird flu vaccine for humans.
The vaccine producer will meet with Japanese and U.S. companies that have the vaccine production technology in an effort to combine resources and speed up the process of finding a vaccine. The company explained that more than Rp 77 billion was needed to prepare the necessary equipment.