Benchongs not afraid of sharia in Aceh
Aceh has a version of the strict Muslim sharia law. This law requires women to dress in a modest way and not take part in activities deemed improper. Local transvestites, known here in Bali as ‘benchongs’ are taking no notice and come out at 11pm, looking for love in all the wrong places.
Sounds like Seminyak to me. Yesterday I was sipping a coffee at Cafe Seminyak when a motorbike came out of the entrance into the main street. The driver looked initially like an attractive young lady, but her passenger was slightly stocky.
Flipping their heads around and swishing their flowing hair, I saw they were both benchongs. The driver could get away with it for maybe 20 seconds, but the other person had a head like a rottweiler. If I go fro an early morning walk, I frequently get offers of friendship from passing benchongs on motorbikes, still out from the night before. I think they’re pretty harmless and hope they work it out in Aceh.