Bali weather: Sept 1st 2006
Lovely weather continues on the Island of the Gods. Clear, sunny days, cool mornings and cool evenings are the rule. Its so much more comfortable here than in Singapore.
Weather, like transport, time, money and companions, is one of the key factors that will affect your trip, no matter where you travel. You can’t control the weather, but you can get a good idea of weather patterns, and plan your trip around them.
The dry season is from April-October, with June-September enjoying the best weather. If you are travelling to other places in Asia, be aware that their monsoon / wet season can be entirely different. For example the Indian sub-continent has its monsoon June-September. Also during this time parts of SE Asia, including the Philippines, Singapore, Kalimantan and eastern Indonesia, get heavy rains.
Here’s the 10 day weather forecast for Bali.
See the main Bali weather page for general year-round information.