Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran to appeal in Denpasar Bali
The convicted kingpins of the Bali Nine drug gang, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, will appeal their death sentences.
According to the lawyer representing both of them, Mohammed Rifan, “We did not advise them to ask for clemency because we still have a judicial process to go through.” “We want a fair trial, something that we did not get in the district court.”
Rifan has lodged an appeal at the High Court in Bali, which if not successful, will be followed by an appeal to the Supreme Court in Jakarta. With all the evidence and testimony available, plus backup data from the AFP (Australian Federal Police), convicting the 2 was easy. By refusing to co operate with either the police or the court, Chan and Sukumaran didn’t give themselves much of a chance. I wonder what kind of ‘fair trial’ Rifan is after.
Rifan also lodged appeals for 3 of the ‘drug mules’.